I forgot....
I forgot almost everything...I forgot it was Tuesday morning,actually,in Japan,it was Wednesday,
I forgot taking out garbage bag,,,,yack!i also fogot going to dentist,I called dentist in case,
They said”sorry,there are too many appointments,you have no space”I was like what? My appointment
Was 15:00,I called them just after few mins passed 15:00, and they re saying I am too late? My house
And dentist is not so far away....yes,I retreat it!
Well,somehow my site has no visitors,I use google chrome and Adsense, my bloghas
Adsense,I connected my sitehas links,I put google ads in it’s links,and other
Blogs and here! Some didn’t work,some worked,some of the links have G+mark,others don’t,what is going on?only thing I know
Is I don’t know how to use Adsense,and chrome...,I really need help!i don’t wanna waste time to figuring out of them,but
It’s all important,
so i might have to take off few days from blogs,dunno yet,cuz there are a lot of things to learn!oh I want to put Google ad in my second site,but didn’t work,also stuggling building up new site which rejects my google ads,I dunno what to do....it’s hard and takes time to learn new thing,my weak point is I only have iPad and iPhone,no pc.... Is it a problem to begin internet business?i heard YouTube makes money but I am too shy to explar my face to all over the World,what can I do to make money online? 日本語、なんか物忘れが酷い、今朝火曜日だと思ってたら、水曜日、ゴミ出し忘れた、最悪、歯医者に行くのも 忘れた、3時の予約が時計見たら3時過ぎ、電話したら、予約でいっぱいだって、冗談でしょう?数分で遅刻、アウト?後悔だ、、、なぜか私のサイトに人が来ない、 Google chrome とアドセンス使ってるんだけれど、、、、訳わからない、、、
Google アドセンスとリンクしてるかもわからないし、間違ってコード消しちゃったり、、、、いくつかのコードは載せれても、他は載せれない、いきなりBlogの
うちの一つが、G+マークが付き、他のBlog にも申請してないのに広告乗ってるし、載せたし、どうなってるの?どうやってアドセンスやchromeが使いこなせるか
so i might have to take off few days from blogs,dunno yet,cuz there are a lot of things to learn!oh I want to put Google ad in my second site,but didn’t work,also stuggling building up new site which rejects my google ads,I dunno what to do....it’s hard and takes time to learn new thing,my weak point is I only have iPad and iPhone,no pc.... Is it a problem to begin internet business?i heard YouTube makes money but I am too shy to explar my face to all over the World,what can I do to make money online? 日本語、なんか物忘れが酷い、今朝火曜日だと思ってたら、水曜日、ゴミ出し忘れた、最悪、歯医者に行くのも 忘れた、3時の予約が時計見たら3時過ぎ、電話したら、予約でいっぱいだって、冗談でしょう?数分で遅刻、アウト?後悔だ、、、なぜか私のサイトに人が来ない、 Google chrome とアドセンス使ってるんだけれど、、、、訳わからない、、、

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