Google Adsense stop me from someone clicks,again Zoro and zero....I have few hundreds visitors to my site,and nobody clicks anything? I noticed only impressions become your money so it’s impossible for no one clicks in two days,I just got 1 click This week!wrong!i gotta 4yen yesterday but only one yen this week?i feel like I am someoelse’s pappet,it scares me,once I Decided to write,I can do Obama way,my way is I have to do this....,I feel I should write blogs even if there’s One or two visitors....,click Click Well during I am writing this,I saw Google Adsense again,and it’s click popped up numbers more than I expected,what’s going On?but glad they were back,hope they are growing numbers.....,but at the same time,I have to worry all the times if they close My account or something,may be they hadn’t suspended my account,maybe nobody just didn’t click anything,but over two weeks, Many visitors?it’s impossible!i gotta a lot to do,building sites,reading articles,net search...etc,I haven’t slept earlier Than 2 in the morning.........,today,my Adsense blog,I write about a difference between China and Japan,but really small Things...,not like history thing,I decided to write this,because someone asked me if I ate cats....,me?i love cats and love can I eat cats?it made me write today’s blog...,I want more people to know the difference between China or other Asian,here you go,


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