Again and again....
My Google Adsense account has been disabled again!what’s going on? My blog’s traffic is high and nobody clicks today nor
Yesterday?it’s impossible!! I want to know the reason why my account,I reported again,what’s going to happen next?
I am going to build my second site,one is my old Japanese server,the second one is google site,strangely,they won’t let
me post google ads,ok I will build it anyways,if it’s google site,someone google it,I guess.......
I am tired today and upset about my Google Adsense accout is disabled,again!come on!i don’t know about cookies,I don’t
know any words of computer and I decided become a billionaire using iPad and iPhone,laugh at me!i need a computer,
I almost forgot how to do blind touch,not good for finding new job,I rather work at home because i’m sick...., but I and
one of best friends from fb seriously thinking to start our own business,my other friend is an american,she used to do
her own business with eBay,I became to ebay’s affiliate,but their site is Greek to me,she wished I could stay in NYC
Where she lives near by,I am glad both of them are good friends and hope starting our own business....,
Today,I wrote about Cool Japan in my Adsense blog,I will start free e-zine,I am in process,anybody interested reading it?
Well I am so tired and it’s 1 am though I have a lot to do,Oyasumi Nansai!
日本語、私のGoogle アドセンスが、また停止しました、またですよ、一体どうなってるの?blog解析では人結構来てたのに、クリックゼロっておかしくないですか?
昨日もゼロですよ?あり得ないでしょう? なんで停止になったのかわからないし、、、また、申し立てしたけど、今回は通るのか?サイトも2個目作ろうとしてるんだけど、
今日は疲れたし、Google アドセンスの事で、プンプン、クッキーって何?パソコン語知らな過ぎで、パソコン無し、iPad iPhone だけで、ネットビジネス
言って起業の話するから、2人で組もうと言ってるんだけど、他に親しいアメリカ人は、eBay 関連のビジネスやってたとかで、私もebayのアフィリエイトやった
に、Cool Japanの事書いた、メルマガも始めたい、英語勉強したい人向けに、、、誰か興味ありませんか?

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