I gotta few yen

I gotta few yen from Google Adsense but my friend who later started Adsense got more than me....., It’s not jealous or something,but something wrong with Google Adsense account system,if I did’t get money, I was gonna sue Google for mentally Damege,I was serious because these few days,my mind blew up because of these Things,many people earn money with this or other way,but I can’t?why is that? I quitted two of my blogs because of Adsense to concerate but I can’t still have money,if I can’t be paid back whatever I paid for Google adsense,I am a Looser feels like I lost love when I was younger,I was crying Beck’s song,sitting down at a bar.............,bartender Kicked me,she was fat and talked like a guy,”Don’t cry for one guy just because you lost love”yeah,I just lost love with nobodies,losers,so what?now I am loosing business with one of biggest search engine site,nothing right?i can find way To earn money alternatively................,


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