Please someone tell me?

Is it possible that my Adsense account is disabled because they can’t verify my address because I don’t get pin yet? Or some other reason?if another reason,I don’t know what else to do,If it’s about pin,that’s not my fault........, How can I keep on writing?because I like to write even if my writing not good enough,neither English nor Japanese, I might publish the books in Japanese blogs.....,I don’t know how much it will costs me though......,I want to be a writer Of Harry Potter,but she is imaginative dreamy girl,I am more like realistic person,that’s why I prefer non fiction, click
When I am writing blog which is introducing Japanese custom s for foreigners “japan and Japanese “I realized it’s a lot to write,it doesn’t mean I copy and paste some famous sites,no...translating a little though....,plus my knowledge,today,I finally write about Natto,which is very nutritious,healthy and low calories...,here we go

I might find another business besides Google Adsense,because it stopped again and again,I was also thinking FX,but I am very Bigginer,I can’t make money in common business such as affiliate and Google Adsense,I might will build up my new Site,visitors come to my site even if I don’t update!here’s Google!well get to do with business,I don’t know what to do, Tired of being beginner,cuz I don’t know nothing,I read some admirable people’s e-zines and it’s interesting,but have to learn,I don’t like watching YouTube,instead of music,someone said you should choose one mentor,right now I have few....., 日本語、私のアドセンスが止まった原因って、住所確定するPINが届いてないっていう、ショボい理由じゃないでしょうね?一カ月で、たったこんだけって、支払いの周期って 1か月ごとじゃないでしょう?私のサイクル一カ月になってる、こんなんじゃ手数料入れてマイナスという可能性が高い、払われるのは、8千円ごとじゃないの?誰か教えてください!このままじゃ、blog書いてもしっくりこない!書くの好きだし、英語も国語も文章は大した事無いけど、、、blogで本簡単に出版できるのかな?いくらかかるんだろう?ハリーポッターの作者みたくなりたい、(すみません、Twitter 追っかけてるのに、名前が出てこない)失礼ながら、、、彼女はファンタスティックな人、 それで夢を現実にした、私は現実主義で(そりゃ夢も見たけど、まだ一つも叶ってない)ノンフィクションが好き、、、今日はアドセンスのblog,Japan and Japanese で、日本は、書くことがたくさんあるなー有名サイトのコピペなんかやりませんよ、翻訳は多少したけど、ちょっとだけ自分の知識入れて、笑。 今日はとうとう納豆の話題、栄養価が高くて、低カロリーですよ、皆さんも食べましょう!


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