Confusing day...
It was confusing day,I think yesterday,I realized that something wrong is my ads,I thought they were disabled,I sent
letter to google,and I looked my Adsense report,the amounts up to over 500 from 300,yes!it’s working!
I am very greatful and feel safe,I thought I was going to quit blogs,but I decided I never give up,then good things
I was writing about sushi today,I saw some rules about Google Adsense and they say I cannot lead people to my blog,
What should I do? I can’t even say my blog title?it’s ok I guess,it’s Japan and Japanese,I realized every Japanese
Cultures or custom and food’s have it’s history,I am not good at history,but my dad used to be a history teacher,who
is retired already....if I became rich,I will buy my parents a house,and my other dream is living in the states,I don’t
have to give up my career even if I relocate,online business is so great!
don’t eat them up they are figures,so....I don’t wanna give up my career before I make10,00/ per months, writing blog everyday is sometimes not so easy,I don’t like buying and selling stuffs,feels like I am a fraud, Sorry,no offense,how about dropshipping?can make money easily?i really need how pc works since I don’t have one,I Only have iPad, that’s all I have and is it enough to start online business?well I am wondering everyday,all I want to be a millionaire,oh yea FX,I almost forgot,I found some site automatically buy and sell your money...I think I want to Try that,but I need 100us.d,big bet for me,I paid google Adsense 80,I think it’s enough,but u can find similar site”nend ” It’s probably only Japanese site or I don’t know...well I gotta go,sleep tighter!
申し立てて、すぐに、google アドセンスのクリック数が、300から500にアップしていた、広告が生き返った!今日はアドセンスのblogで、
jspan and Japanese です、googleで検索したら出てくるのかな?日本の事を教えていると、全ての文化や習慣には歴史がある事に気付いた、父親は、もう
ただ、保証は無い、当たり前だよね、初期費用1万かけるのも、今の自分には勇気がいる、、最高の投資はgoogle アドセンスの、8千円、nendってサイトも
don’t eat them up they are figures,so....I don’t wanna give up my career before I make10,00/ per months, writing blog everyday is sometimes not so easy,I don’t like buying and selling stuffs,feels like I am a fraud, Sorry,no offense,how about dropshipping?can make money easily?i really need how pc works since I don’t have one,I Only have iPad, that’s all I have and is it enough to start online business?well I am wondering everyday,all I want to be a millionaire,oh yea FX,I almost forgot,I found some site automatically buy and sell your money...I think I want to Try that,but I need 100us.d,big bet for me,I paid google Adsense 80,I think it’s enough,but u can find similar site”nend ” It’s probably only Japanese site or I don’t know...well I gotta go,sleep tighter!

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