
Showing posts from November, 2017

Dunno what to do( still can’t get over with it...)

I don’t know what should I do in my life....something pushes me and makes me hurry,I don’t know where to start...., I am still can’t get over with death of lilpeep,Chris Cornell is older than my age(and good looking)lilpeep is a lot younger than me....,guys like him never like me....but I am into his music and world too much,I draw him everyday, My friend said don’t do that too much,she believes he’s gonna pull off your legs and take me to “ that world”,but not “this world” we live in...,that’s why some die after his/her hero died....,is it bad that I have too many dreams?or Should I be more realistic?none of young guys like lilpeep fall in a love with me,I wish I were 17 when I was scouted in the street by a man with suit,I should’ve have been a singer or an actress,I have never thought about becoming a part of music industry, until lilpeep died,and I think too late becoming famous,now I want fame and money,before I just wanna be rich, Still don’t know what I should do in my 40’s,sti...

I am obbsessed....

I think I am obsessed by lilpeep,his music makes me depressed but I can’t stop listening to him,so is my friend, In the states,why so easy to get drugs?how do you know it’s not fake or no? Every musicians died OD,I wanna die too, I used to think killing myself,but on other hand,I wanna do whatever I want to do,I wanna be successful,get married with a right one,and have some kids,since Google Adsense doesn’t work for me,I have to find out other way to make My money in other way,I might write lyrics,sing along with it and upload in YouTube,or maybe dance,when I was dancing on the stage with singer singing a song called American something by off spring,when I finished dancing,someone tapped on my shoulder and he said I was a good dancer,i’ve never learned how to dance,sing I used to learn how to play piano, But I forgot all of it,plus I don’t have a piano anymore,I know I am too old to start learning these things, But at age of 45, I still don’t know what I want to do in my life,I ...

Tribute pic by me...

Here’s tribute pic for lilpeep,he kinda has a face that easily to draw,why did u give up your career? I guess over that b@tch? Lilpeep を追悼して絵を描きました、どうして曲とかモデルとか俳優諦めちゃったの?あの女のせい? さて、前回の訳ですね、lilpeep の追悼の後にシャノンフーンの 話もおかしな話ですが、、、「今日は、日本語訳が面倒くさい、死ぬとか、自殺、何度も考えたけど、失恋後は最悪、30になって、もし自分が45になって隣に誰も 寝てなかったら、(旦那さん)自殺しようと考えてた、あと数日で45歳、誰もいない、、、シャンノンフーンの死期は死ぬようだったとか、ズルイ、自由に生きて、苦しまずに 死んでいくなんて(この時、死の原因はしらなかった)日本では、有名人とかヤクザくらいしかコカイン手に入れられない、あなたが誰かの父親になれて羨ましい、 私は誰の母親にもなれない、誰も信用できない、あなたが人気者で、皆に愛されたのが羨ましい、でもあなたは子供のように無垢で、音楽業界の厳しさを知らなすぎた、 アルバム一枚売れたからって二枚目が売れる訳じゃないの、あなたの友達、AxlのG N’Rの一枚目は今世紀に残る大ヒットだったけど、二、三枚はそうでもなかった、 でもどうって事は無い、Axlは生き残ったけど、あなたはダメだった、あなたのこと、負け犬なんて言わないけど、小さな子供みたいに、自分の業界を知らなすぎた、 でも天才で、なのに世間はあなたの実力を正評価しなかった、だからって何?だからって何?私のgoogle アドセンスは、ずっとゼロで、だから何?私は、好きな事 書くだけ、、、でも、シャノン、私があなたを羨ましく思うのは、あなたは有名人だった、私は無名、誰かの父親だった、私は1人きり、そして眠るように死ねたの? ズルイ、世の中は不公平、私が言おうとしていた、Japan and Japanese のblogで、アディクション(依存)の話、今はどうでも良くなった、依存なんて誰にでも あるでしょう、私は甘い物依存してブクブク太るでしょう?誰がケアするの?誰かハイになりたい?私、アルコール以外の方法で、コカイン?誰が欲しくない? We...

R.I.P,lil peep...Lil Peepよ、安らかに

lil peep died on 16 th O.D with Xanax21,too young,too fortunate and talented...,so sorry and sorry...,Lil Peepさん、亡くなりました、レキソタン(だったかな?違ってたら失礼)does anybody knows how to get their CD,let me know,I don’t have MP3,もし彼のCD入手法知っている方、 是非教えてください!he is fashionable,like a model,I liked he make up like hello kitty,he had some goals like being an actor Or a model(he’s already a model,he poses like a model when he was taken pic,so cute) すごくオシャレなんですよね、モデルみたいで、 キティのお面は笑える、アニメも好きだったみたい、モデルや俳優としても活躍したいと言ってたばかりに、、、でもすでにモデルですよね、写真撮る時のポーズは すでにモデル、ファッションもスタイリストいないんでしょう?天才、可愛い😍ところで、熱こもって2日間も訳してなかった、主にShannon Hoonの訳どうしましょう? 皆さん、そんな興味ないかな?では、(省略アリかも)で、訳しますか、、、 15日の日本語訳、blog 書く気しない、全く、いや、8千円まで持ってもコリャ時間のかかる blog書き続ける事に意味があるんだろうか?おこずかい稼ぎサイトの方がまだ稼げるから、5つblog書いてもゼロ、私は人気が無いどころか皆、私を嫌ってるんだ (妄想入ってる?)今日(今はおととい)blog書いたのは、ギャンブル依存者と、Shannon Hoonの事、ODで死ぬなんて馬鹿げてる、彼の死因を聞いた時、頭に来たけど、 彼は、ファーストが売れて、セカンドで落ちたからショックだったらしい、それでヤケに走ったみたい、一般人は、リズムがある、“no rain”とか好きかも、私は、 もっとアート的な、ディープなセカンドは好き、シャノンは諦めるべきじゃなかった、有名になってすぐハイになるのも、、、40、50でそこそこ...

Very tired.....

I even don’t feel like writing Japanese,I have been thinking about dying,suicidal thing many things...., Like when I lost love...well my life sux....I thought when I was in my 30’s and when I wake up alone in The age of 45, I thought I would have killed myself,right on,I will be 45 in a few mins,I read about Shannon was dying like he was sleeping,it’s unfair,you can do whatever u want to do and die with no pain? In japan,you can’t get cocaine so easily unless you are a gang star or famous people,sleeping pills may work,but what if you failed?u live like in hell.......,I envy u Shannon,you are a father,I would Never been a mother cuz I can’t trust any guys.....,I envy u Shannon 2,cuz u became famous and many people Loved you,but you were like a baby boy who doesn’t know how hard music industry was,if your first album hits, doesn’t mean your second would hit as first,see your friend Axl,G N’R bursted their first album surprisingly, But second,third not so much,but what the Ax...

I don’t feel writing or do feel like?

I don’t have to write blogs that make money or only a little money,maybe u can sign in poin get sites and make more money than google Adsense.,today,I write four,no...five blogs but for nothing,zero again today,I am not popular or maybe Everybody hates me,I wrote this for Shannon Hoon and gamble addictive people,first of all,I don’t like people died over drug...,of course I didn’t say I want to take cocaine or marijuana,I may take them,but in Japan,drug regulation is strange, You can get Rohypnol which is lligal here,but in the states,date drug is illegal,don’t try to put me with rohypnol,cuz it doesn’t work for me,I take them mixed with another sleeping pills and they put me sleep is more like medicine, As comes to Shannon Hoon who died OD,I was mad first,but he freaked out after he heard the numbers of sales of their second Album,it put Shannon down because they weren’t sold like he was expected...,maybe first album was best among common people, Common people tend to ...

Haven’t written any blogs today.....

My Google Adsense is yesterday,zero,today’s zero yen which dropped my motivation,I am more like into point get site, I also ordered books about affiliate,step mail,online business and FX, I was thinking about going to try FX on my birthday, But money is tight,I have to spend money on food and rest is for saving til things will be settle down,if u want to know for details,read my site Poor,foolish Yuri’s site or join my group on Fb,the group called “ charity for Yukari “well,Yukari used to be my pen name when I wanted to be a writer,but I decided to use my real name,Yuri later on,but my name on fb still reminds Yukari Himekawa,so is instagram if u want to check it,go ahead,reading books is a good thing u can gather info or keywords from it and search on net,I am in process with it,I think I will have to Build my site again for affiliate but my provider don’t let me write Japanese,what’s going on? I have to look for another Server,why people pay for starting online business?what if th...

How do u say point get site?

I am more like doing “ point get site”it was made in France, but when I was doing it,it shows american flag and English Site,I don’t know I can make money with it but kind slow but may be better than Google Adsense? I saw zero yen today but Don’t care about it anymore and haven’t seen it again even after I wrote my today’s blog,I enjoyed writing today, Because just not introducing about something about japan but also you can say your opinions in your blog because It’s all yours and again,freedom of speech,sometimes Google doesn’t allow it if it comes to sensitive part,today’s my Blog is a little sensitive today,if you want to read it go to my blog,Japan and Japanese which I wrote today........, yes,some of Japanese eat raw horse,raw horse? Are you kidding me? I wrote some of my opinions of it,you are free to give me comments or let me hear your voice,like ”I am talking to myself” Both lyrics at Sound Garden’s and Blind Melon’s lyrics.....I let hear my mom some of Blind Melon’s songs,...

Why can’t I write TIL the end?

Talking about e-zine,why don’t you take mine? It is written in English of course,mostly about japan and Japanese but they are not on my blog,of course,this shopping season,I will help you find a good Christmas gifts for your family,relatives, friends....etc,it’s all (just receiving and reading)free so nobody gets hurt! If interested,click three lines at top to left and write your mail address,you can introduce about yourself if u want after you receive my first zine,thanks! 日本語、昨夜は疲れました、4つのblog書くのと、あと2つも忘れられない程度に書いてます、もう一個増やしたいのですが、4つも無理だし、長文も苦手、でも 私は要点だけ手短に書いてるつもりです、Google Adsense が1000文字書けって言ってるのはシリアスですかね?ある方の情報では、10000文字とか、それは 信じないとしても、私はGoogle Adsense を始めてから学んだ事があります、それは、Google アドセンスに貴方の気分を左右させないで、昨日幾らか稼いで、 今日はゼロだったとしても、Google アドセンスに貴方の気分を動揺させないで、、、貴方は、書くことを楽しんでますか?あなたは、書くことを楽しまなきゃ いけないし、誰にも強要されずに、趣味のつもりで、楽しみながら書く事です、やりたいことをやるだけでいいんです、書くのが嫌いなら、いくらアドセンスで、 年収1億稼ごうが関係ありません、意味分かりますか?アメリカ人って自分の好きな事を仕事にしている気がする、ですよね?日本人は、むしろ、働くのが嫌なのに、 お金の為に嫌々やってる気がする、、、 ...

Couldn’t write last night...cuz....

I was too tired,I manage 4 blogs and other two alternatively...,I am thinking building another one,but I even can’t manage 4....,I even can’t write long,my writing is usually short and briefly but Google Adsense forces us to write 1000 words? Some said 10,000, I ignore this one,I learned one thing from doing Google Adsense,don’t let them to change ur feelings, Like yesterday I could earn some yen but today is zero yen,don’t let them disappoint you,you have to like writing for fun, Like a hobby,then you don’t have to do “this” and “ that”, no no one force me to do anything,you just do whatever you feel like to do,if you don’t like writing it’s no meaning for doing Google Adsense no matter how much you earn,like you earn one million at one blog.....,you know what I mean? Americans love to have fun,so they do whatever they like to do for living ?right?japanese have to work for just money even if they don’t like that job......, MAILZAP(アフィリエイター) Yesterday,I wrote about Tokyo Olympi...

Keeping on cutting half...,over and over



It say about cookies,yes I have read about cookies,I joined European cookie site,I tried,but I don’t understand what Cookies,before knowing what cpc is....,my day is finished after I write 4 blogs...,I even’t can read my mails,mostly e-zine,can you believe you earn 30,000 in 5 mins typing? These days,the numbers of black sites or fraud sites for business People are increasing,you must be really careful,I am not stupid,but I am not smart enough,I rarely know about computers, And have never tried online business besides affiliate...,but I earn only few amount of money even if I write my blogs all day...sometimes zero yen continues....,that’s really ridiculous, MAILZAP(アフィリエイター) How they earn this kind of money? In such a short time,I don’t mind trying hard but just writing blogs all day for nothing is stupid,otherwise there are a lot of millionaires those who doesn’t work,I mean work for few mins,like on here,what can I do for you,I told you I was impressed by the numbers of vi...

Little tired...

I got a headache all day,now Japan Time is dinner time but I don’t eat it cuz I am on diet and not hungry...., I have a feeling from a few days ago,I think I will have a cold,my throat hurts,my headaches.....,maybe I tried Too hard,I am kind tired and my eyes hurts,I have to go hospital to get some eye drops,I haven’t fix my teeths yet, I am grumbling again and again,sometimes I feel like what kind of person am I? I think I offer people info about Japan,I also offer my diet methods but kinda unhealthy,I could live 9 days in row nothing to eat,only Lemmon juice, This is called “master cleans diet” I don’t know how you say it in other countries but my country,that’s how you Call it,Beyoncé tried it 7 days,I tried 9 days,may be I will service in business world too,cuz I am more patience Than Beyoncé who survived music industry totally!does anyone give me a comments?follow me? Anything?i feel like I am Only one here writing blog,no blog buddies,if I open my e-mag,will you read it?please?l...

Sounds great!

My Google Adsense’s yen is still nothing....,but I earned yesterday a little,Tomorrow,something will be change,that’s great too,I am feeling better even I don’t earn nothing....,maybe I forgot medicine to take these morning,I took them and I have enough power and energy to write my blogs,I thought I fixed anything I was wrong on my blogs,I tried to fix whatever I can, I think I wrote longer,but still not to put three Adsense ‘s ads....hum?i think I did three ?i have to check it again...., I should be relaxed mood when I write this blog,because this is my fourth blogs,when you write 3blogs hard,there no more energy but I can relax when I write this,one of my Adsense blogs is you know,Japan and Japanese,trust me,if ur not interested in Japan or Japanese,and if you like baseball,especially Seattle Mariners,you will be a fun of Japan and Japanese cuz “Ichiro” is Japanese,two other blogs are about “teaching English for Japanese people”but it turned the story when I was falling with Someone,...

Cutting half again and again.....

クリスコーネルは、バッチリエディベダーとマウストゥマウスしてるし、シャノンフーン も友人の頰バッチリ、チューーー、アナザーレジェンド、シャノンフーン は、 その才能ながらに、あまり、世間ではみとめられませんでした、カートコバーンの才能が中なら、シャノンフーン は大ですね、言葉表現の自由お許しください! click Click Click


My friend pushed me writing Adsense blog...,so I did today,I wrote about Sumo today,then yen goes up$ when I was a child, I fell in love with one ground champion Sumo wrestler,my grand ma who affected me to watch sumo tournament on t.v., His name used to be Chiyono Fuji,you can’t believe this,my grand ma’s name is Chiyo,who passed away for a long time Ago, Believe or not,I heared her voice several times,I have seen her felt her after she passed away......,Chiyonofuji was retired for a long time ago,I saw his ceremony on T.V.,he had to cut his hair on his retirement ceremony,I saw he was crying,he was such a beauty....,if you want to know about little things about sumo,go to my blog,Japan and Japanese, Click And I might be dead musician’s collector,Chris,Chester...,I don’t mind if they were murdered or took themselves away,my Group on Fb”Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were murdered”isn’t still revealed,same old news.....,if they killed themselves, It’s ok...