
Showing posts from December, 2017


12月12日の分、 私って何もできないんだ、“my life sux”って、 オンラインブック の続編を書いているんですが、作家向きじゃないかと思った(鼻高いですね)私は2つ以上の日本語blog 持ってますが、blogをebookに変換して、kindle に載せようとしたところ、失敗。 やり方難しいですね、、、睡眠きちんと取ろうと思ってるんですよ、もっと早く起きなきゃ。日本かアメリカで仕事探してるんだけど、主婦モデルはいい仕事かと思った、テレビショッピングに出る人達ですよ、通訳は昔からの夢なんですが、芸能通訳はなかなかいばらの道ですね、学校に行かないと、歌手も俳優も独学は無理。 シニアコースなんてのもあったけど、入学金聞き忘れた、確か25万くらい?始めから英語で歌うレッスンのスクールは、ネット申し込みなら、入学金ゼロ、月謝で なんとか、、、でも授業料払うにはそれなりにお金貯めなきゃ。働くなら東京が一番、通訳か、主婦モデルやりたいけど、偽のモデルエージェンシーが、モデルやりたいこと 人から、金取って荒稼ぎ。タレントや芸能事務所なんかそう、詐欺に気をつけてくださいね(自分には言ってる)アメリカでは、小さくても、173cm以上、私は、10cmも 低い(悲)でも、モデルになれるって、手タレとか、部分タレントかなぁ、、、一応、情報だけは取ってます。 私は、歌詞を、(英語)インストラクションに沿って書いてるし、lilpeepの歌を歌ってる(今は他の 歌手も)自伝(英語)が、ハリウッド映画化されないか、期待して書いてます、2つ目のサイト作るかどうしようか、迷ってます、自分のアピールサイトか、ビジネスサイトか、 You tube 見てたらプロダクションとのコネが必要って、どうやってコネ作るの?私のメインblog、japan and Japanese は一向に進まない、集中も、情熱も かけてきた、英語で書くのは好きで、英語で歌うのも、台本読むのも好き、Eminem には、ついていけないけど、あれは鬼才だから、Eminem と、私は誕生日が1か月違い、 若いのは、私です!ネットで話題になってた20の女の子、多分アメリカ人が、引きこもりの広場恐怖症で、可愛い歌をYouTube にあげてた、私もやりたいが、 自作が作れない(泣)BGMはどこから来たんだ?全て彼女の自作か?...

Long time no see...日本語書く気しません、すみません

It’s been a long time since the last time I wrote this blog,I just have been busy,I can’t go to school,because I am broke,so I have to learn by myself,first of all,I sing along with music and lyrics,some song is too hard Because they sing too fast,if I learn how to sing like Eminem,I could sing any songs,then I read English movie scripts,it’s fun because you can imagine what’s going on there in the scripts even if I haven’t watched these films, Recently,I sold my t.v for only 20dollars,and bumped DVD player which was a mistake,I can’t see any movies but I don’t Watch t.v anymore,watching news on t.v is putting negative information on your brain so not good,but I enjoy reading it, If you use your right brain,it will connect to your unconscious,how many heroes can you think of who is left handed?when you are Left handed,it will use your right brain( not left) so it’s good to be pretending that you are a left handed,use left hand a lot In your daily life,you can’t use it when y...

Late,high tension,pills maybe...

I got concerta (pills)dunnno the English name,In japan,they usually change the pills name.....which confuses me,like every countries have different regulations and names,when Chris Cornell died with Ativan,we had to translate it to “Waipax”,when lilpeep died with 1000 Xanax,we have to recall “ lexapro”very confusing,in the states,” rape drugs” are illegal,but in japan,we used it when we have sleeping problems....,it’s legal here,I dunno what I should take if I go or move to the states,I dunno it’s the same name,but “Doral” didn’t work for me,I sang some female singer’s songs which wasn’t easier for me,cuz I can’t do high tones that’s desperate for women to becoming a singer,I am creative,so I want to write my own songs and let people know my thoughts,today,I wrote one lyric about I had a panic attack at night,the title is”The goddess”which was also about my mom...write song here?nah,my songs belong to Me,no one can steal my songs....,but some song at YouTube,u can do karaoke with the...

Don’t know why I still have time?

I can’t still get over with lilpeep,he inspired of me something that I will become popular in the states,I know it’s crazy, No money to go school nor states,I gotta start getting a job,hopefully interpreter or middle aged woman model,while I was thinking about becoming a model,I eat sweets,isn’t it strange? I really want to be a model? I asked myself and thinking about loosing Weight,I sing lilpeep’s songs everyday cuz sometimes it’s too fast because it’s rap,I was also wondering I should sing female songs like R&B,seems like many competitions,songs like Mariah Carry,Alicia Keys and Keisha Cole....etc.i also read american(English) Film and I think I can do that but only short part,being a singer or actor,u have to have a good memory,yea,I used to when I was 20, but not anymore,because of the pills I take,I also have dry mouth which will be a problem if u want to sing or act,oh well,I also write my book which might be shorter I think,I have to put and put more stories,no o...

Just pic


O M G midnight here!

I can’t do fu@king thing! I was writing my book off line which is continuing from my life sux and I thought it was a good idea becoming a writer,I have two other or more blogs( Japanese) And tried to make them to e book and sell on kindle store but the process is too hard,I need to sleep early so that I can sleep Well and wake up earlier,i’ve been looking for many jobs in Tokyo and the states,my first thought was becoming a middle aged femal fashion model in magazines even,t.v...I applied some,then I wanted work as interpreter it is hard to becoming one if u don’t go special schools,like an actor and a singer is same,i was looking for schools in Tokyo and I found one or two,more,the one is for senior talents,I was interested and call,but I forgot about tuition,I have no money to go to Tokyo,my first step is going back to work,I wanna be an interpreter and middle aged female model,either one is not that easy,some or most model agencies take money from “wanna be a model”,I just didn’t...


12月1日、孤独、1人の友達を失った、私はアメリカで有名になりたいと言った、確かに、非現実かもしれないけど、「あんた、病気よ、被害妄想じゃない?」って、 悲しくて、怒りに満ち溢れている、終わり。もうこれ以上何も書けない。12月5日、書くのを諦めたわけじゃなくて疲れてて、かったるい日々、占い師達は、結婚できないだの、子供無理だの、夢一つさえ叶わないだの、ロクな事言わない、1人は自称ジプシーで、結婚できないのは、呪われてるから、その呪い解くのに、200ドル、ギリギリまで迷ったけど、辞めた、私はポジティブになる事を決めた、ネガティヴなエネルギーを、皆ブロックして、今は幸せじゃないけど、、、、、 いつか幸せになってソウルメイトを掴むんだ、今まで探し過ぎたけど、今度は彼が私を見つける番 好きな人(lilpeep)は、亡くなった、私はやりたい事を全てやって、お金と、名声と、家と、赤ちゃんを授かる、名声も得る、私の名前がアメリカのどこかに出るのを 見てて。12月8日、今日はblog書く気分だ、人生はあまくないけど、いつも誰かが必ず助けてくれる、今回は、母が助けてくれた、感謝。ママは役立たずと思ったけれど、 実は困った時、手を差し伸べてくれた、Facebook の3000人中の友達のうち、たった2人が助けてくれた、両方とも日本人で両方とも女性、総計からいくと、日本人はアメリカ人より助けてくれる、女は男よりも助けてくれる、殆どのアメリカ人(男性)は、見返りを求め、その目的は、同じ性的欲望。殆どはミリタリーだったけど、民間人も同じ男、 男は男。 自分の夢を書いてる時、この夢が本物かどうかかんがえる、私は何かの生き残りみたいだ、ホームレスじゃないし、安物だけど、お腹いっぱい食べられる、 暖かい布団とコタツで眠れる、健全な両親も歳を老い死んだら?私は倒れて泣き叫ぶだろう、後追いを考えるかも、でも現在では猫はいるし、ギリギリでもお金は ある、この先は引っ越したい、わからないけど、この場所に引っ越してからいい事がない。東京に戻りたい、世界一大きな街、あるバーで外国人の男の子と、東京と、 N.Yどっちが大きいかで、言い争いになり、彼は東京だと言い張った、物価じゃなく?私も妥協せずに言い張って、彼はもういいって感じで、バーから出て行った、 Japan and Japanese もお願...

Not bad,ok good...maybe

I feel like writing my blog today,I know life is harsh,but someone always help you,most of them,they are your parents, I have to thank my mom to help me with money,I will giving up eating ice,meat and fish,I only eat Nattou rice(cheap)and Cafe,I have to thank my mom,I thought my mom was useless but she was the only one who was helpful,when was in trouble,two of Over 3000friends on Facebook helped me,both Japanese,both women,as I see,women are helpful than a man,Japanese were also helpful than American s(sorry,Americans)but as I see almost of Americans seems to wanted some in return,some is always, Most of them were military,but civilians are almost same,there’s no difference,they are a men....,As I wrote down what my dreams I really don’t know why I want these things? I asked myself why u need these stuffs? Cuz I servive I am not a bumb,I eat cheap food but that can fill my stomach,I can sleep in warm futon and I have kotastu (a table with electric heater)I have par...

I am not giving up....

on writing here,just tiring,heavy days,fortune tellers told me that I am not going to get married,have some kids nor No one of my dreams will come true,one of them was gypsy,she told me someone cursed on me,she said she gotta uncurse, I didn’t do it,I am trying to be positive and block all negative energy,I don’t think I am happy right now but I will be Happy somehow,I had been trying too hard to find my soulmate,but I should let him find me....,all I love is dead one,I will try to do everything I want,get money,fame baby houses,I will be famous,you’ll see my name someday somewhere, Am I dreaming?hell no!

I lost my only friend,

Lonely...,I told her I wanna be famous in the states,she told me that be more realistic,you’re ill,u must be persecution Complex which made me sad and mad,period,I don’t feel like writing anymore.......,