
Showing posts from October, 2017

I am confused......

I gotta few yen from Google Adsense but my friend who later started Adsense got more than me....., It’s not jealous or something,but something wrong with Google Adsense account system,if I did’t get money, I was gonna sue Google for mentally Damege,I was serious because these few days,my mind blew up because of these Things,many people earn money with this or other way,but I can’t?why is that? I quitted two of my blogs because of Adsense to concerate but I can’t still have money,if I can’t be paid back whatever I paid for Google adsense,I am a Looser feels like I lost love when I was younger,I was crying Beck’s song,sitting down at a bar.............,bartender Kicked me,she was fat and talked like a guy,”Don’t cry for one guy just because you lost love”yeah,I just lost love with nobodies,losers,so what?now I am loosing business with one of biggest search engine site,nothing right?i can find way To earn money alternatively................, click Click Today,I was talking in ...

I gotta few yen

I gotta few yen from Google Adsense but my friend who later started Adsense got more than me....., It’s not jealous or something,but something wrong with Google Adsense account system,if I did’t get money, I was gonna sue Google for mentally Damege,I was serious because these few days,my mind blew up because of these Things,many people earn money with this or other way,but I can’t?why is that? I quitted two of my blogs because of Adsense to concerate but I can’t still have money,if I can’t be paid back whatever I paid for Google adsense,I am a Looser feels like I lost love when I was younger,I was crying Beck’s song,sitting down at a bar.............,bartender Kicked me,she was fat and talked like a guy,”Don’t cry for one guy just because you lost love”yeah,I just lost love with nobodies,losers,so what?now I am loosing business with one of biggest search engine site,nothing right?i can find way To earn money alternatively................,

I haven’t seen.....

My Google Adsense,typhoon has gone but one of my futon is still wet,I am typing this into it,there’s nothing to do,my mind went crazy,I went to crazy,down and nothing to do since I thought my Google Adsense don’t count properly,I am still tired,I have Another blog which I am writing who were fraud and crazy,if I write this English version,u guys gonna lamo! click Click I am tired as hell,my cat wats to go bed with me,I refused,sorry no new topic,but I wrote my Japan and Japanese blog about Ukiyoe,ukiyoe artist was not one person,there were few to finish one projects,wow,Injapan,if guy wear ukiyoe tattooes,they Are mostly gang star,i don’t know about recent days but Japanese onsen(hot spring)is not allowed people with tattoos, 日本語、Google アドセンス見る気にもならなかった、台風行っても、まだ布団が濡れてる、濡れた布団で作業、電気感電したから、気が変になってしまった、 Google アドセンスに、カウント偽装されてる気がして、日本人に英語教えてるつもりの blog が、いつのまにか恋バナになってて、登場した人物(元彼とか)が、あまりにもこっけいで、、、、英語で書いたら、アメリカ人にウケるというより、日常だとか思われそう click Click ...

typhoon came...,

Typhoon came to Okinawa,then goes to mainland,because my place is old and cannot afford to live nice place, Rain droops from felling,my floor is wet,all choice that left is I have to sleep in kitchen,I can’t garantee it stopped dropping rain from Cell,I have to stay kitchen,my futon is all wet,make me wanna cry...., Click click Well I am ready to quit blogging,I am so tired of seeing zero,yesterday and today...I am taking off,maybe no one clicks, Not Google Adsense’s fault,what is impressions anyways,if over 600 visitor comes,there are few impressions,but zero yen continues Well i’m tired,gotta run fast,today my blog,Japan and Japanese,I talked about Ninja,I was surprised by they have many secrets 日本語、とうとう台風が沖縄に来て、寝る場所が台所になった、最悪、まだ、寝室が、雨漏りしないかわからないし、布団も全滅で、泣きたい、もう、blog辞めたい、 連続で0見るの疲れた、昨日に続き、今日も、多分誰もクリックしてないんだ、私のblog 人気無いから、ところで、インプレッションって何?アドセンス見てると、 インプレッションだけでもお金入ってるみたいだけど、600人も訪問してインプレッション代も出ない?おかしな話ですよー、もう疲れたから、寝たい、今日のblog, Japan And Japane...

I don’t know for sure yet..

I don’t know if my Google Adsense recovered 100 percent,I will probably find the answer tomorrow,because my money is zero yen Today,I tried hard to write blogs,many visitors to my blog and I gotta no clicks yet?today?last time my Google Adsense had Been suspended,there were a signals from Adsense I belive,my money continued zero yen yesterdays and so on,I reported immediately And it didn’t take them for my account is available,second time was over two weeks,I was confused and I thought they stopped My Adsense account intensionally,i never know the answer,i don’t work for them,i am an individual who knows little about pc. click Click I even don’t have money to buy pc TIL my problems goes away,I don’t know yet,but I also have a plan to move back to Tokyo, With zero yen,I can’t move back to Tokyo,I need money and time,knowledge...,knowledges takes time TIL u practice and learn, I need more time,but I know this is my problem,I can’t wake up til my head is clear,if not,I can’...

My blog stopped me writing....

Here are the stuffs may be u get to know japan more....., 日本語、Google アドセンスは、私のblog 訪問者の、クリックを、カットしてんじゃないの?だって、昨日4円だったのが、今日は、昨日と今日ゼロ円って、おかしな話ですよ、、Impression だけで、お金入るなんて知らなくて、なのに週決済0円ってどいう事?誰かの操り人形みたく感じたら怖くなった、 始めた事はやめられない、Obamaの、スローガン、I can do thisじゃなくて、やらなければいけない気がして、サイト訪問者の1人でも、私のblogに、興味 持ったら、私は書き続ける!ところがなんとこのblog 書いてる途中で気になったものだから、Google Adsense 見たら、クリック数が上がってるし、、、 これは予期しない喜び?ですかね、、、と、同時に恐れるのが、またいつ止められるか、ただ単に顧客がクリックしてなかったのか、それは何ともおかしな話です、 何百といる、私の訪問者が1人もクリックしない訳が無い、する事は、たくさんある、サイト作りに、情報採集、blog書く、最近2時前(午前)に寝た記憶は無い、それでほぼ無収入、広告無くなったら、ゼロ!今日は、fbで、「君達は猫食うかい?」という、低次元な、質問されて、blogやる気に、どうしても、中国とか、他のアジア国の違い 教えたかったんだけど、歴史的な背景というより、くだらない話で、終わった、、、英語に、興味ある皆さん、私のblog,Japan and Japanese 読んでくださいね! click Click click Click
Google Adsense stop me from someone clicks,again Zoro and zero....I have few hundreds visitors to my site,and nobody clicks anything? I noticed only impressions become your money so it’s impossible for no one clicks in two days,I just got 1 click This week!wrong!i gotta 4yen yesterday but only one yen this week?i feel like I am someoelse’s pappet,it scares me,once I Decided to write,I can do Obama way,my way is I have to do this....,I feel I should write blogs even if there’s One or two visitors...., click Click Well during I am writing this,I saw Google Adsense again,and it’s click popped up numbers more than I expected,what’s going On?but glad they were back,hope they are growing numbers.....,but at the same time,I have to worry all the times if they close My account or something,may be they hadn’t suspended my account,maybe nobody just didn’t click anything,but over two weeks, Many visitors?it’s impossible!i gotta a lot to do,building sites,reading articles,ne...


my Google Adsense says I gotta one click yesterday?just one click?something smells here....,I don’t mean I don’t trust Google but I can say I can trust it’s system and everything,I was very tired just going to hospital yesterday,because 4 hours bus ride in total,makes me very very tired,but I need to go anyways,I can’t sleep 3-4 am in the mornings,I am always Tired...something wrong with my body?no doctors answer me,just listening,I don’t think they even listen,then where’s my answer? Some of them even don’t work,just pilled patients,in Japan,bad thing is that doctor can have their licenses forever once they Became doctors,that’s scary,they kill patients while surgery by mistake and all they have to say is sorry,it’s totally wrong About japan! click Well, story was different but so many things disturb me,like I have to go hospitals,have to save money,if I could I sit in my room all day and doing things that I can in iPad,but there are not much times,i went near by ATM,and...

どうして、泣き面に蜂、、、misfortunes seldom come alone—->click //>click iPad 感染中です、my iPad is getting crazy because of virus,what should I do? でも買い物は自由です! 今日、アドセンスのblog に、ひさびさに沖縄の話題を、、、美ら海水族館の事書きました、どうやら世界一らしですよ、、、あのちいさな 島から世界一の水族館って、なんかビックリですよね、、、、