How to shift minds
In these days,I was so negative,tiring,sick which were no good,but since I started working,I felt better,I still can’t use my imagination or control my feelings,but I am trying,since I am tired and sleepy,I will chant,write stuffs,check my mails and going to bed....., from here...I tried to answer the questions from mail where I got DHA company,I tried send the answer several times,but never sent,there’s an error message,so I sent a question form,I hope it‘ll be fixed by tomorrow,I must refuse before they send me stuffs each months,which will costs,these days,I was upset,mad and irritated,may be I was sick,my throat keep on hurting,and my head aches,but I still keep on doing my job and sang,it’s hard to remember lyrics but I’m trying,I still don’t feel like uploading my karaoke thing,but it will never start until I do it,many people might thumb down signs but I won’t care about it anyways,cuz I know I sing suck,maybe I have to have special voice training which unti aging your voi...